Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The longest journey begins with a single step

I've started this blog after exhaustive searching of the web revealed very little quality information about how to "live organic" - how to conscioulsy and actively choose organic food, products, and gardening methods on a daily basis. Sure, there are plenty of articles out there written by people and companies trying to spruik there own organic wares. But I want to hear about the experiences of real people who are struggling to make the right choices everyday about their food and health. I want to hear about what choices you make when you desperately need to buy eggs, and the only option staring you in the face are caged, battery hen eggs from the local corner shop. Do you make the purchase and slip out quietly like a disgraced sports star picking up a secret hit of EPO? Or do you forego the eggs - because they're not organic - and not make the birthday cake for your daughter after all?

Living organic is not a straight forward process. Everyday there are compromises and balancing acts as we try and make the best choices we can with regard to food, how we grow it, and the products we buy containing agriculturally based ingredients. With mainstream society still only barely cogniscent of the way in which agriculture operates, and the terrible damage food production and distribution methods have had on our environment and our health, it is still very difficult - even in 2009 - to live a truly organic life without a great deal of difficulty and good planning.

This blog is a place where I will share my experiences and struggles, and as much information about organics as I can lay my hands on. I hope you will post comments and share your experiences with me, so together, as a community, we can support each other to make the change we want to see in the world - the change to an organic way of life!

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